Cost of Living on Generation X

Barbara George

The cost of living is rising. Inflation is at its highest rate for 30 years. And it’s hurting young people the most.

The intergenerational foundation report shows how young people have fared over the past decade. Young people have fallen behind in 9 out of 10 policy areas investigated. These policy areas are the labour market, housing, higher education, government expenditure, wealth and expenditure, physical and mental health, political representation and the environment.

We asked a number of our readers what they thought about it all and here is what you had to say:

"My rent in South London is all-inclusive and has not gone up yet but a part of me wonders if my landlady will put prices up. I live in an HMO* with others so I know she is making money but her profits may be cut a bit. Work progression is looking good and I have been eyeing properties around me. I am almost there with my deposit but with high utility bills for like another year, If I get a mortgage I may end up paying more per month than I am now" - Dot

"’I'm 22 and a year ago I bought my first flat. As things are rising, the fear of not being able to afford to live has increased. Although I love my flat, I wished I waited due to the rise in the cost of living and no rise in what we get paid yearly. I often think it would be easier and cheaper to move abroad. But as it seems I am stuck now" - Vicki

"I'm 27 and I live with my mum. I’ve had to put my plans to buy a house at the end of the year on hold. I’m priced out of the market at the moment - I also can’t justify paying £20-30k more than the asking on a flat when less than 2 years ago I was able to get a 2/3 bed semi for the asking price" - Morgan

"Until last year I was on £26k or lower, now finally £32k. For the last 5 years 3 of those I was working a second job on top of full time to be able to afford slightly more than the basics. There’s no progression in my job role now unless I move company. The department I’m in refuses to upskill its workers and it’s a big issue for everyone in the department not just my role. People are leaving due to it."- Emily

A lot of us are worried about the cost of living but we hope our readers at Pennies to Pounds are not disheartened and realise they are not alone. We will continue to post Tips for Saving, Side Hustles you can start with £0 and as much relevant information as we can. We want our readers to see that not everyone is raking in £100k a year despite what Twitter and social media make you believe.

*Home of multiple occupancies

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