The new season is always a good time to give your finances a spring clean. It can be scary when you’ve been putting off money-related goals but, we are here to help you reduce your money worries and be more confident with your finances.
We know you’ve heard this one before but, checking in with your subscriptions can be a great way to clear up your finances. Whether it’s an unused gym membership or maybe a TV subscription with a lot of channels you’ve never even watched, get rid! Once you’ve done this, you won’t have to see your balance go down every month for an unused membership. If you can’t commit, then you can always freeze one for a few months just in case.
The cost of food is rising rapidly (just like everything else) but it is also one of the easiest areas for you to focus on to cut down and getting your head around your expenses can be great to settle your worries. First tip, of course, is to meal plan. Working out your meals for the week and having a specific shopping list is a great way to stick to a budget and to not buy unnecessary food items - not shopping while you’re hungry can also be great for this.
Batch cooking can also go hand in hand with meal prepping to help you stay organised. Another tip is to buy more frozen food. This can last a lot longer than fresh food and workout cheaper overall. Plus, there are lots of that you'd be surprised that you're able to freeze. This includes fruits and veg, baked pastries, bread and even eggs!
There are so many great apps out there that can help you feel more in control when it comes to money. Monzo and Starling are excellent online banks that give the opportunity to get on top of your money. You can have separate ‘pots’ or ‘spaces’ to divide your money into sinking funds or keep track of bills and savings and this will transform your money mindset. Being able to see how much you have for each category can make things seem so much more simple when you may be feeling overwhelmed.
Hopefully, this will also help you when it comes to the fear of checking your bank account - admitting you have a problem is the first step to getting that problem solved, so check your balance and start taking control.
Creating a solid financial routine is vital for anyone feeling nervous or anxious about that money situation. 5 minutes a day to check in with your bank account, what you’ve spent that day, what bills you have due tomorrow, can reshape your attitude towards money. Beyond that, a monthly routine on payday can help with the bigger picture - long term saving goals, holiday plans or any debt you may have accumulated.
Get in control and good luck!
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